Beretta CX4 Folding Stock Kit-Preorder: ETA November


Preorder for the Beretta CX4 Folding Adapter Stock kit


This will include

-Picatinny Rear Stock adapter-Aluminum or Steel

-Picatinny Folding Stock Hinge-Aluminum or steel

-Aluminum/Polymer scales folding stock

-Jigs for cutting your Beretta CX4 stock

-All Necessary Hardware

  • Weight 1 lbs

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Have Any Guarantee?

Yes, if you have any issues with your holster, we will get you sorted out. Contact customer service with your issues and we will determine if abuse has occured. We are enthusiasts as well and want good products but keep in mind these holsters due to their ability to use a suppressor have some design compromises that must be recognized in comparison to full coverage holsters.

Which firearms is this compatible with?

The Hush Holster is compatible with any handgun that can accept a WML (weapon mounted light)

Does this work for left handed people?

Sure does! The left handed versions of all holsters work the same as the regular, but flipped to the other side! Lefties rejoice!

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